Found 4 entries in total.
chr | position | strand | gene | transcript | miRBase ID | miRBase Accession | gain/loss | cancer | drug | detail |
chr1 | 10520702 | - | DFFA | NM_004401 | hsa-miR-3157-5p | MIMAT0015031 | Loss | HNSC | Carboplatin | View |
chr1 | 10520702 | - | DFFA | NM_213566 | hsa-miR-3157-5p | MIMAT0015031 | Loss | HNSC | Carboplatin | View |
chr1 | 10520767 | - | DFFA | NM_004401 | hsa-miR-222-5p | MIMAT0004569 | Gain | HNSC | Cetuximab | View |
chr1 | 10520767 | - | DFFA | NM_213566 | hsa-miR-222-5p | MIMAT0004569 | Gain | HNSC | Cetuximab | View |
Group of systems biology and pharmacogenomics, College of Automation Engineering, NUAA.