贾彦鹏,东南大学医学院副研究员,硕士生导师。主要研究方向是新型药物递送系统在脑卒中等疾病治疗中的应用基础研究。累计以通讯/第一作者发表SCI论文7篇,包括Advanced Functional Materials, Small Methods, Nano Research等。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和博士后面上项目各1项。获得东南大学“至善专项”、特色医科攀升计划等资助。
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:32101071,可注射温敏水凝胶复合体系的构建及在乳腺癌术后光热-免疫协同治疗中的应用基础研究,30万, 2022-2024年,在研,主持。
- 1. YanPeng Jia†, Kun Shi†, LiQun Dai, XinLong He, HanZhi Deng, RuXia Han, Fan Yang, BingYang Chu, JinFeng Liao, XiaWei Wei, and ZhiYong Qian*,Gold Nanorods and Polymer Micelles Mediated Dual TLR Stimulators Delivery System CPG@Au NRs/M-R848 Regulate Macrophages Reprogramming and DC Maturation for Enhanced Photothermal Immunotherapy of Melanoma, Small methods, 2022, 2201087.
- 2. Ying Bai, Bing Han, Yi Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Yang Cai, Ling Shen and Yanpeng Jia*, Advancements in Hydrogel Application for Ischemic Stroke Therapy , Gels 2022, 8, 777.
- 3. YanPeng Jia, Kun Shi, Fan Yang, et al. Multifunctional Nanoparticle Loaded Injectable Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel as NIR Controlled Release Platform for Local Photothermal Immunotherapy to Prevent Breast Cancer Postoperative Recurrence and Metastases, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2001059.
- 4. YanPeng Jia, Kun Shi, JinFeng Liao, et al. Effects of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide on the Toxicity of Gold Nanorods Both in vitro and in vivo: Molecular Origin of Cytotoxicity and Inflammation, small methods, 2020, 4, 1900799
- 5. YanPeng Jia†, Yang Song†, et al. Mesoporous PtPd nanoparticles for ligand-mediated and imaging-guided chemo-photothermal therapy of breast cancer, Nano research, 2020, 13, 1739-1748
- 6. YanPeng Jia, BuYun Ma, XiaWei Wei, et al. The in vitro and in vivo toxicity of gold nanoparticles, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017, 28, 691-702
- 7. JinFeng Liao†, YanPeng Jia†, et al. Injectable Hybrid Poly(ε-caprolactone)- b-poly(ethylene glycol)- b-poly(ε-caprolactone) Porous Microspheres/Alginate Hydrogel Cross-linked by Calcium Gluconate Crystals Deposited in the Pores of Microspheres Improved Skin Wound Healing, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2018, 4, 1029−1036