
Characterizing chemoresponse communities at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.

Compound Details

The detailed records of NSC 673828 were elucidated in the following 4 sections: 1) Basis: basic information about NSC 673828; 2) Community: the network communities that were significantly associated with the response to NSC 673828; 3) Molecule: the relationships between components within communities and NSC 673828; 4) MDR: the compounds that were significantly associated with the NSC 673828.

Molecule Community Type Significance SigClass
COL1A2 Community00 Gene 0.66154919 insignificant
COL2A1 Community00 Gene 0.052046956 insignificant
COL4A1 Community00 Gene 0.015288592 significant
COL11A2 Community00 Gene 0.032814607 significant
CREB1 Community00 Gene 0.19164603 insignificant
ATF2 Community00 Gene 0.52642989 insignificant
CREM Community00 Gene 0.5393475 insignificant
CRMP1 Community00 Gene 0.73968482 insignificant
CSH1 Community00 Gene 0.046800516 significant
VCAN Community00 Gene 0.49505612 insignificant
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