
Characterizing chemoresponse communities at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.

Compound Details

The detailed records of NSC 673828 were elucidated in the following 4 sections: 1) Basis: basic information about NSC 673828; 2) Community: the network communities that were significantly associated with the response to NSC 673828; 3) Molecule: the relationships between components within communities and NSC 673828; 4) MDR: the compounds that were significantly associated with the NSC 673828.

Molecule Community Type Significance SigClass
CD1D Community00 Gene 0.29145873 insignificant
CD14 Community00 Gene 0.08259422 insignificant
CD19 Community00 Gene 0.58959792 insignificant
CD44 Community00 Gene 0.7866141 insignificant
CD53 Community00 Gene 0.057328245 insignificant
CD68 Community00 Gene 0.54943464 insignificant
CDC6 Community00 Gene 0.8516394 insignificant
CDC25A Community00 Gene 0.0047243189 significant
CDC25C Community00 Gene 0.74301623 insignificant
CDH1 Community00 Gene 0.069279032 insignificant
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