
Characterizing chemoresponse communities at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.

Compound Details

The detailed records of NSC 688074 were elucidated in the following 4 sections: 1) Basis: basic information about NSC 688074; 2) Community: the entire network communities that were significantly associated with the response to NSC 688074; 3) Molecule: the relationships between components within communities and NSC 688074; 4) MDR: the entire compounds that were significantly associated with the NSC 688074.

Molecule Community Type Significance SigClass
PLAU Community00 Gene 0.000074961379 significant
F3 Community00 Gene 0.00010379811 significant
hsa-miR-22-3p Community00 miRNA 0.00013395614 significant
MYC Community00 Gene 0.0001414 significant
MYC Community17 Gene 0.0001414 significant
hsa-miR-21-5p Community00 miRNA 0.00016031472 significant
TGFB2 Community27 Gene 0.00017570325 significant
CAPNS1 Community00 Gene 0.00022210499 significant
DKC1 Community00 Gene 0.00028716877 significant
TFAP2A Community00 Gene 0.00029880429 significant
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