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- 01 Query:
- 02 Analysis:
There is a query function in the home page:
A. Select the species you are interested in. The default value is "Homo sapiens" (Figure 1-1 A).
B. Select the data source you are interested in. The default value is "Validated" (Figure 1-1 B).
C. Input a lncRNA name or small molecule name that you're interested in (Figure 1-1 C).

Figure 1-1 Search function in home page
If you want to query which small molecules have been experimentally validated to influence the expression of H19 in Homo sapiens,
A. Select "Homo sapiens" and "Validated" from the "Species" and "Source" pull-down menu (Figure 1-2 A).
B. Input "H19" in the query textbox and press "Search" button (Figure 1-2 B).
C. The basic information about six small molecules drugs and drug combination that can up- or down-regulate the expression of lncRNA H19 are returned (Figure 1-2 C).
D. Click "more", you can get the detailed information (Figure 1-2 D).

Figure 1-2 The process of Search function
There is an analysis function in the home page:
A. Select the species you are interested in. Due to the limited experimentally validated data of other species, we currently only provide the prediction in Homo sapiens (Figure 2-1 A).
B. Select the lncRNA sequence or small molecule drug structure that you want to analyze by. The default value is lncRNA (Figure 2-1 B).
C. Enter a lncRNA sequence (FASTA) or small molecule structure (MOL) that you're interested in (Figure 2-1 C).

Figure 2-1 Analysis function in home page
Example (lncRNA sequence):
If you want to predict which small molecules have potential to influence the expression of your input lncRNA,
A. Select "lncRNA" from the "Analysis By" pull-down menu (Figure 2-2 A).
B. Input the sequence (FASTA) of interested lncRNA in the "Analysis Content" textbox and press "Analysis" button (Figure 2-2 B). Here, we provide the sequence of the lncRNA H19 as an example.
C. The lncRNAs that have similar sequence with lncRNA H19 are returned (Figure 2-2 C).
D. Click , you can get the small molecule drugs that can regulate the expression of the corresponding lncRNA. These drugs are considered to potentially influence the expression of lncRNA H19 (Figure 2-2 D).

Figure 2-2 The process of Analysis function by lncRNA sequence
Example (drug structure):
If you want to predict which lncRNAs' expression can be potentially regulated by your input small molecule,
A. Select "Small Molecule" from the "Analysis by" pull-down menu (Figure 2-3 A).
B. Input the structure (MOL) of interested small molecule in the "Analysis Content" textbox and press "Analysis" button (Figure 2-3 B). Here, we provide the structure of the small molecule Tamoxifen as an example.
C. The small molecules that have similar structure with small molecule Tamoxifen are returned (Figure 2-3 C).
D. Click , you can get the lncRNAs that can be regulated by the corresponding small molecule. These lncRNAs are considered to be potentially regulated by Tamoxifen (Figure 2-3 D).

Figure 2-3 The process of Analysis function by small molecule structure