1. Search miRNA regulating epigenetics (miR2Epi).
Example: If you want to query which epigenetics can be regulated by
miR-19a, firstly, you can choose to view the low-confidence level experiment data or the high-confidence level experiment data or both. Then, you should choose "miR-19a" in the miRNA choice box and select one or all kinds of epigenetic modification in the epigenetics choice box (it supports combined searching). Finally, pressing "Submit" to get the results (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Search miRNA regulating epigenetics.
The results list all records of the miRNA regulating epigenetics in the EpimiR. Search result can be downloaded through clicking 'Export Result' button. Then, you can browse regulation information or click "more..." to get access to the detailed information about
miR-19a regulating epigentics (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Search results of miR-19a in miR2Epi.
More comprehensive information can be viewed in the Detail Information Page. This page clearly represents the notion that miRNA Regulating Epigenetics pathway: [miRNA] regulates [epigenetics] modification of [Epi-target] through directly targeting [Epi-regulator] (Figure 3). Especially, "Support" is direct quotes from the validated literature.
Figure 3. Detailed information of miR2Epi.
2. Search miRNA regulated by epigenetics (Epi2miR).
Example: If you want to query which epigenetics can regulate
miR-19a, firstly, you can choose to view the low-confidence level experiment data or the high-confidence level experiment data or both. Then, you should select one or all kinds of epigenetic modification in the epigenetics choice box and type "miR-19a" in the miRNA text input box (it supports fuzzy searching). Finally, pressing "Submit" to get the results (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Search miRNA regulated by epigenetics
Through fuzzy searching, the result page lists all potential records you may want to search. Search result can be downloaded through clicking 'Export Result' button. Then, you can browse regulation information or click "more..." to get access to the detailed information about miR-19a regulated by epigentics (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Search results of miR-19a in Epi2miR.
More comprehensive information can be viewed in the Detail Information Page. This page clearly represents the notion that Epigenetics Regulating miRNA pathway: Under the control of [Epi-Regulator], [Epigenetics] regulates [miRNA] and then affects [miR-Target] (Figure 6). Especially, "Support" is direct quotes from the validated literature.
Figure 6. Detailed information of Epi2miR.
3. Search interested miRNA for epigenetics-associated information.
Example: If you want to query more comprehensive information about
miR-19a's genomic features and target information associated with epigenetics, you can search “miR-19a” in the “Search miRNA” session (it supports fuzzy search) (Figure 7). The fuzzy search result page contains potential miRNAs you may want to search.
Figure 7. Search interested miRNA for epigenetics-associated features.
You can choose a miRNA that you want to search and get access to total information about the miRNA in the "MiRNA Information Page". Especially, you can also search which epigenetics can regulate miR-19a or be regulated by miR-19a through
[Epi2miR] or
Figure 8. Detailed epigenetics-associated miRNA information.
Figure 8 detailed epigenetics-associated miRNA information. (a) The link to miR2Epi search and Epi2miR search. (b) The location type (intergentic or intragenic). (c) Predicted transcription start site (TSS) of miRNA from miRStart database and the distance between TSS and precursor in the bracket. (d) Predicted CpG island (CGI) from UCSC database is aligned to miRNA (<10kb to prescursor) and the distance between CGI and precursor in the bracket. (e) Predicted miRNA targets that are associated with epigenetics from miRCosm.