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Users can browse the interested compound completely in 'browse page'.

Figure 1. Browse all drugs in the 'Browse Page'.

Figure 2. Query complete information of the interested compound.

Figure 3. Heatmap of the interested compound.

In order to show the expression patterns of drug resistance-associated ncRNAs intuitively, we provided heatmaps of miRNA and lncRNA expression in resistant and sensitive cell lines by clicking ‘Visualize’ button in the ‘Compound Overview’ page. Especially, the expression values of ncRNAs was normalised based on Z-score transformation: Z-score = (X-Mean) / Standard Deviation. The absolute value of Z-score represents the distance between the raw score and the population mean in units of the standard deviation. Z-score is negative when the raw score is below the mean, positive when above.


Users can query the interested information completely in 'search page'. Four types of 'Query' include 'Curated MiRNA', 'Curated LncRNA', 'Predicted MiRNA' and 'Predicted LncRNA'.

Figure 4. Complete search in 'Search Page'.

Users can get access to the detailed information of curated drug resistance-related miRNAs in the 'Curated MiRNA' page.

Figure 5. 'Curated MiRNA' page.

Furthermore, users can obtain the more information on drug resistance-miRNA associations in the 'Curated MiRNA Details' page.

Figure 6. 'Curated MiRNA Details' page.

On the other hand, users can get access to the detailed information of predicted drug resistance-related miRNAs in the 'Predicted MiRNA' page.

Figure 7. 'Predicted MiRNA' page.

Especially, we provided comprehensive information, including p-value, q-value, Effect Size, log (Fold Change) and box plot in the ‘Predicted MiRNAs Details’ page.

Figure 8. 'Predicted LncRNA Details' page.

Similarly, the detailed information on drug resistance-lncRNA associations can be acquired in the secarch section.


Users can download the interested information of drug resistance-related ncRNAs completely in 'download page'.

Figure 9. Download all information in the 'Download Page'.


Users can submit the novel information of drug resistance-related ncRNAs in 'submit page'.

Figure 10. Submit the novel information in the 'Submit Page'.